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  • Orsi & Tomi

    IT solutions from a reliable couple

    About Us

    We are Orsi and Tomi, a coding couple from Europe.

    We focus on two main areas in our work.

    On the one hand, we create modern mobile applications both for Android and iPhone. With more than 10 years of professional experience in backend development, Tomi can write solutions for the most complex requests while Orsi as a full stack web developer not only codes but also plans the design of your app.

    On the other hand, we both enjoy making other’s life easier with work automation tools and other management supporting systems, so if you’d like to improve your work efficiency, we are here to help. Before her developer career, Orsi worked as a project manager and she still has a good eye for noticing the weak points of the processes, while Tomi has quite a few years of experience with automation tasks.



    Over the past few years, we have started to develop a magic wand with which you can control your smart home and devices.

    If you would like to read more about the wand, click here.

    If you would like to subscribe to the news about the wand, you can enter your email address by clicking the button below, and we will send you news related to the development of the wand.

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      IT Consulting

      During the introduction and selection of a new IT product, we help you assess what would be the most suitable choice for you, and if you are about to receive an IT service, we will check for you whether you got what you paid for.

        I'm interested

        Application development

        We develop our applications using the latest technologies, so you get an application from us that can be easily implemented on all platforms, yet at an affordable price.

        We develop for Android and iOS simultaneously, so you don’t need to hire multiple teams for your application.

          I'd like an app

          Our Values

          It is important for us to put sustainable projects on the table and stick to what we agreed to. That is why we do not overcommit ourselves with work, we constantly communicate with our clients during the projects, and we do not disappear even after the work has been handed over.

          In addition, we also like to work with people who do not want to hide from existing or emerging problems or look for loopholes but want to discuss and solve them.

          If we have piqued your interest, contact us at one of our contacts below!

          Contact Us